Awakening to Encompass Yourself…

Kelly McKinstry

As a shaman and master Reiki healer, Kelly is here to awaken and enlighten you to whom you truly are and help you discover what you are truly capable of. This is done through facilitating, supporting and guiding you in your transformational process, no matter where you are. She provides one-on-one sessions as a certified transformational life coach and guide.

Kelly has experienced complete transformation multiple times, reinventing herself and her life through learning how to manipulate energy. And, now nothing satisfies Kelly more than helping others stop, listen and learn how to live more intentionally, more vibrantly and more aligned with one’s purpose. She believes it is all about encompassing and sharing yourself as the gift you already are.

Through private sessions or customized group encounters, Kelly’s clients dig deep to discover who they are, what gifts and talents are waiting to be unleashed and how best to share their natural resources with the greater world. If you are ready to take a leap in your spiritual transformation, Kelly could be just the professional healing practitioner for you.


Transformational Coaching

Sessions for both the newly awakened, and those more advanced souls, who would like their outer world to more closely align with their inner preferences.


Reiki and Pranic Healing sessions available where work is done on the energy body, helping you to heal on many different levels.

Twin Flame Guidance

Making sense of this relationship, learning what this connection is all about & finding answers to its many deep challenges.

Speaking Engagements

Hire Kelly to speak on a whole variety of spiritual topics in settings such as workshops, conferences,  video & audio broadcasts, and more.  

The Encompass Yourself Blog

Contact Kelly

Send An Email

Feel free to drop Kelly an email if you wish to contact her. She will get back with you as soon as possible. If you need urgent help please use the services button to book an appointment or call: 248-872-6053.

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